It’s been a couple of weeks since the start of our recruitment drive, so an update is in order.
There have been some promising developments, and a few things kicked off which should bear fruit in a while, but there’s still a decent amount to do to get back on track.
Thank You!
Since the call went out, we’ve gained six new friends, two more business address accounts and three new workshop members, which straight away takes us a sixth of the way towards our target.
Thanks, all of you.
Difficult Decisions
We’ve also had a couple of meetings to work things out.
Mark W arranged a meeting to discuss ways to help promote the space, which threw up some useful new ideas, and gained some more hands to help with things that are a work-in-progress. Minutes/notes from the session are on the wiki.
We also called a Directors and Organisers meeting, to explore worst-case scenarios and ensure that we take steps to avoid such outcomes. There were two key decisions made at that meeting:
Firstly, we decided that – unless our finances improve dramatically by the end of the year – we’d have to give up Dinky, the event room. Given that most of our outgoings are on rent, losing rooms is the main way we can reduce our costs; and Dinky is the obvious, if painful choice as it brings in comparatively little income. With your help, we’ve got three months to turn things around.
Secondly, from 1st November we’re going to raise some of our prices, for the first time since we opened over three years ago.
Our daily price – for hot-desking and workshop access – is going up to £10/day. That will have the benefit of separating the full-time and daily prices more, to make people more likely to switch to full-time desks. Obviously, any hot-desk days you’ve already purchased, but not used, will still be at the old price; and to help current hot-deskers with the transition, you’re welcome to purchase a generous block of days at the current price until the end of the month.
The monthly workshop membership is also going up to £50/month. We’d like to thank our existing workshop members by keeping the old price for them until the end of the year.
Finally, we’re bringing in a charge for laser-cutter inductions. Getting inducted during Maker Night or Maker Day will of course remain free, but if you need someone to show you how to use the laser-cutters during office hours, there’ll be a £20 charge.
Keep spreading the word.
Still a fantastic bargain. So if I cancel the gym membership that I never use and give the money to you I get unlimited use of the workshop. Count me in. Will be this week to set something up.
I’m sure lifting the lid of the laser-cutter counts as exercise, right? 😉 Look forward to seeing you in the workshop more often.
Still a fantastic bargain. So if I cancel the gym membership that I never use and give the money to you I get unlimited use of the workshop. Count me in. Will be this week to set something up.
I’m sure lifting the lid of the laser-cutter counts as exercise, right? 😉 Look forward to seeing you in the workshop more often.