Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.
And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!
Things of Note
- DoES Liverpool: Riley, a regular visitor to DoES Liverpool along with owner Elaine Cresswell, and Callum B, who are flexidesking here
#weeknotes pic.twitter.com/H8YbiaQ1VD - Matthew Croughan: I did a podcast about #Nix and #NixOS with Robert v2.022 dreams of Jeenie, and it went surprisingly well!youtu.be/qZyGSSkQlwU#weeknotes
- Adrian McEwen: Latest MCQN Ltd #weeknotes: Weeks 858 and 859 – Little Parts of #LPWAN dlvr.it/SM5gnm
- Jackie Pease: Lovely amaryllis flower DoES Liverpool
#weeknotes pic.twitter.com/nkQEYTBmUI - Anne-Marie Jane: Friday DoES Liverpool a group of us met to music in the event space. From creating a rhythm together to sharing ideas. Meeting new people with a range of instruments & all levels of experience. Looking forward future music making event! Last Friday of the month #WeekNotes pic.twitter.com/cowe79oHdc
- DoES Liverpool: Mike G is organising another Liverpool Synth Meet here at DoES Liverpool on Sat, 2 April, starting 11am. You can get your free ticket via Eventbrite:
eventbrite.co.uk/e/liverpool-sy…#weeknotes - Jackie Pease: Pen plot created using #drawingbotv3 Sobel Edges option. The black pen was supposed to be waterproof but didn’t stand up to this – all good though
#weeknotes #happyaccident pic.twitter.com/V5wgrgOzIg
Coming Up in the Next Week
Thursday 31 March, 7:00pm-9:30pm | Maker Night You can get your free ticket here |
Saturday 2 April 11:00am-17:00pm | Liverpool Synth Meet You can get your free ticket here |
Somebody Should
The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.
Issue counts: 376 open, 1299 closed
2 new issues:
Featured issue: Make Dinky a nice space for meetings. Can we move this on or close it?
1 issue closed:
Thanks JackiePease!