Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.
And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!
Things of Note
- Alex Lennon: My very first #FPGA circuit! #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/HIFtTUaO0L
- John Cassidy: Pycom boards treat thermal non-uniformity really well. Temp is ambient and not influenced by the LoPy4. #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/yYAfsDhhhw
- Alex Lennon: Today I shall mostly be investigating Wi-fi performance on the RPi compute module with balena #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/JDgLQynjr1
- Julian Todd: Wireless tap dancing sensor #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/udstj1jPMo
- Adrian McEwen: Here’s a quick demo of the code in action, feat. Jackie Pease‘s #MQTT sketch using Nick O’Leary‘s #PubSubClient on a SparkFun Electronics #ESP8266 Thing with a #velostat #DIY pressure sensor that laura pullig built. Trainers model’s own. #weeknotes #IoT pic.twitter.com/PRC2a8KH9M
- Adrian McEwen: Just noticed that the off-peak workshop membership of DoES Liverpool (evenings and weekends for the bargain price of £35/month!) wasn’t listed on doesliverpool.com/services/ Oops. That’s now fixed. *sits back and waits for the flood of new members…* #weeknotes
- Adrian McEwen: Bike as test rig. Doing some #LoRaWAN comparison testing and mapping while #inthesaddle. SmartEverything Lion vs #PyCom on thethingsntwrk #ibal207 #weeknotes @ St Brides Liverpool instagram.com/p/BsObI13F8F2/…
- Julian Todd: In production DoES Liverpool #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/6heYRBn4sZ
- Alex Lennon: My green beans have arrived from Rave Coffee. I’m thinking of a #SonOff switch to control a heater for the roast and a DS18B20 I2C temperature sensor. Any thoughts on what enclosure/heater I use Julian Todd #weeknotes #coffeeroast pic.twitter.com/Oyf9gs1xRa
Coming Up in the Next Week
Tuesday 08 January, 10:00am-3:00pm | Sale Sharks – Private Booking – Events Room |
Tuesday 08 January, 6:30pm-9:30pm | Hack the Space Evening |
Thursday 10 January, 9:00am-6:00pm | Jelly Liverpool |
Thursday 10 January, 6:30pm-9:00pm | Maker Night |
Saturday 12 January, 10:00am-5:00pm | Maker Day |
Somebody Should
The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.
Issue counts: 309 open, 715 closed
6 new issues:
- DoESLiverpool somebody should wiki is down
- Buy a rock tumbler for post-processing CNC machined items, and more.
- Check on First Aid kits for New Year.
- Pick up a dust sensor or two for the space, CNC Room, etc
- Fix and reassemble the big table from Gostins
- Shopping Label in Github
Featured issue: Clean the windows in the kitchen . Can we move this on or close it?
4 issues closed:
- Run a 35C3 satellite conference in DoESLiverpool
- Dishwasher isn’t washing dishes…
- 6mm cnc collet and flat mill has been broken
- Lay out furniture in each room
Thanks goatchurchprime, jackie1050, amcewen!
Community Content
DoES exists to support the community that uses DoES. If you use DoES, then you are part of that community. If you would like to publicise something related to DoES, you can email hello@doesliverpool.com with the formatted content for us to use as a new blog post. Tell us what you’re up to, and we’ll show the world what epic stuff happens at DoES!