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  • Comments Off on Week 209 – Look Ma, We’re On the Telly! (And the Radio… And the Newspapers…)
"Week 209 – Look Ma, We’re On the Telly! (And the Radio… And the Newspapers…)"

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

Coming Up in the Next Week

Tuesday 09 June, 7:00pm-9:00pm JavaScript User Group
Wednesday 10 June, 6:00pm-9:00pm Maker Night
Saturday 13 June, 10:00am-5:00pm Maker Day

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

Issue counts: 82 open, 76 closed

1 new issue:

No issues closed

Community Content

DoES exists to support the community that uses DoES. If you use DoES, then you are part of that community. If you would like to publicise something related to DoES, you can email hello@doesliverpool.com with the formatted content for us to use as a new blog post. Tell us what you’re up to, and we’ll show the world what epic stuff happens at DoES!

"Week 208 – I Really Want to See Those Fingers"

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

Coming Up in the Next Week

Monday 01 June, 6:00pm-9:00pm Sewing Club
Wednesday 03 June, 6:00pm-8:00pm Liverpool Linux User Group

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

Issue counts: 81 open, 76 closed

8 new issues:

3 issues closed:

Thanks ReddbridgeMark, DefProc!

Community Content

DoES exists to support the community that uses DoES. If you use DoES, then you are part of that community. If you would like to publicise something related to DoES, you can email hello@doesliverpool.com with the formatted content for us to use as a new blog post. Tell us what you’re up to, and we’ll show the world what epic stuff happens at DoES!

"Week 207 – Fixing Old Guitars With 3D Printing"

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

Coming Up in the Next Week

Tuesday 26 May, 6:30pm-9:00pm Geek Up – Francis Irving talks about Sharing humanitarian data at the United Nations
Wednesday 27 May, 7:00pm-9:00pm IoT Liverpool
Thursday 28 May, 4:30pm-6:30pm RSA Livecast: Designing a World Where People Come First

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

Issue counts: 76 open, 73 closed

5 new issues:

1 issue closed:

Thanks amcewen!

Community Content

DoES exists to support the community that uses DoES. If you use DoES, then you are part of that community. If you would like to publicise something related to DoES, you can email hello@doesliverpool.com with the formatted content for us to use as a new blog post. Tell us what you’re up to, and we’ll show the world what epic stuff happens at DoES!

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  • Comments Off on Week 206 – Community WiFi and Connected Device Prototypes
"Week 206 – Community WiFi and Connected Device Prototypes"

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

Coming Up in the Next Week

Monday 18 May, 6:00pm-9:00pm Sewing Club
Tuesday 19 May, 7:00pm-8:00pm Liverpool Drones Meetup
Wednesday 20 May, 5:30pm-7:00pm Friends of the Earth

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

Issue counts: 72 open, 72 closed

1 new issue:

1 issue closed:

Thanks DefProc!

Community Content

DoES exists to support the community that uses DoES. If you use DoES, then you are part of that community. If you would like to publicise something related to DoES, you can email hello@doesliverpool.com with the formated content for us to use as a new blog post. Tell us what you’re up to, and we’ll show the world what epic stuff happens at DoES!

"Week 205 – Look at the Size of That Pie!"

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

Coming Up in the Next Week

Tuesday 12 May, 7:00pm-9:00pm JavaScript User Group
Wednesday 13 May, 6:00pm-9:00pm Maker Night
Wednesday 13 May, 6:00pm-8:00pm @MerseyNet Community WiFi Brainstorming
Thursday 14 May, 10:00am-11:00am Organisers’ Meeting
Thursday 14 May, 6:00pm-8:00pm Bitcoin Meetup

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

Issue counts: 72 open, 71 closed

1 new issue:

No issues closed

"Week 204 – Keep Watching the Skies (and the Seas)"

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

Coming Up in the Next Week

Monday 04 May, 6:00pm-9:00pm Sewing Club Cancelled for the Bank Holiday
Wednesday 06 May, 6:00pm-8:00pm Liverpool Linux User Group New arrival to DoES!
Saturday 09 May, 10:00am-5:00pm Maker Day

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

Issue counts: 71 open, 71 closed

1 new issue:

1 issue closed:

Thanks DefProc!

  • weeknotes
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  • Comments Off on Week 203 – Showing Off In Newcastle (at MakerFaire UK)
"Week 203 – Showing Off In Newcastle (at MakerFaire UK)"

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

Coming Up in the Next Week

Monday 27 April, 6:30pm-9:00pm Maker Night
Tuesday 28 April, 6:30pm-9:00pm Geek Up – Thiago Hersan “Small Data: personal apps for affective communication”
Saturday 02 May, 10:00am-3:00pm Introduction to Laser Cutting

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

Issue counts: 71 open, 70 closed

2 new issues:

1 issue closed:

Thanks DoESsean!

  • weeknotes
  • Weeknotes
  • Comments Off on Week 202 – Scoreboards, Stencils and Shining (Good Night) Lamps
"Week 202 – Scoreboards, Stencils and Shining (Good Night) Lamps"

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

Coming Up in the Next Week

Monday 20 April, 6:00pm-9:00pm Sewing Club
Tuesday 21 April, 7:00pm-8:00pm Liverpool Drones Meetup

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

Issue counts: 70 open, 69 closed

3 new issues:

No issues closed

"Week 201 – Delivery for DefProc [repeat to fade]"

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

Coming Up in the Next Week

Tuesday 14 April, 7:00pm-9:00pm JavaScript User Group
Wednesday 15 April, 5:30pm-7:00pm Friends of the Earth

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

Issue counts: 67 open, 69 closed

7 new issues:

4 issues closed:

Thanks cheapjack, amcewen, madjake45!

  • weeknotes
  • Weeknotes
  • Comments Off on Week 200 – Ramping up prep for the MakerFest UK Laser Challenge
"Week 200 – Ramping up prep for the MakerFest UK Laser Challenge"

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

Coming Up in the Next Week

Wednesday 08 April, 6:00pm-9:00pm Maker Night
Thursday 09 April, 7:00pm-8:30pm IoT Liverpool celebrates global IoT Day
Saturday 11 April, 10:00am-5:00pm Maker Day

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

Issue counts: 64 open, 65 closed

5 new issues:

4 issues closed:

Thanks amcewen, DefProc, johnmckerrell!

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