
"Boost your Autumn"

It’s time to launch the process for the next round of Boost Membership, this would be the cohort that will have their membership from October 2024 – March 2025.

If you already know what you’re doing then head over here to apply otherwise read on for more information about Boost membership.

Apply for Boost Membership

The DoES Liverpool Boost Membership was introduced to celebrate the 10th anniversary of DoES Liverpool – the amazing coworking and shared workshop space in the Fabric District of Liverpool. Boost membership gives two people the opportunity to use the space free of charge for six months either with an allocated desk or by having 24-hour access to the workshop.

As things continue to be difficult for people due to inflation, fuel prices and all the economic woes we’re dealing with at the moment we thought it would be worth pointing out that boost membership is open to anyone, even existing paying members. If 6 months free membership would help you out at the moment then feel free to apply, of course if you’re not already a paying member you are still welcome to apply.

Applications are open until 11:59pm on Sunday 15th September 2024, any applications received after this point will not be considered. We will endeavour to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

We have a dedicated page with lots more information about Boost Membership so if you want to find out more just head over there and take a look!

"May The Boost Be With You"

It’s time to launch the process for the next round of Boost Membership, this would be the cohort that will have their membership from July – December 2024.

If you already know what you’re doing then head over here to apply otherwise read on for more information about Boost membership.

Apply for Boost Membership

The DoES Liverpool Boost Membership was introduced to celebrate the 10th anniversary of DoES Liverpool – the amazing coworking and shared workshop space in the Fabric District of Liverpool. Boost membership gives two people the opportunity to use the space free of charge for six months either with an allocated desk or by having 24-hour access to the workshop.

As things continue to be difficult for people due to inflation, fuel prices and all the economic woes we’re dealing with at the moment we thought it would be worth pointing out that boost membership is open to anyone, even existing paying members. If 6 months free membership would help you out at the moment then feel free to apply, of course if you’re not already a paying member you are still welcome to apply.

Applications are open until 11:59pm on Sunday 16th June 2024, any applications received after this point will not be considered. We will endeavour to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

We have a dedicated page with lots more information about Boost Membership so if you want to find out more just head over there and take a look!

"Keep on Boosting"

We’re very late this time, so let’s get boosting quickly!

If you already know what you’re doing then head over here to apply otherwise read on for more information about Boost membership.

Apply for Boost Membership

The DoES Liverpool Boost Membership was introduced to celebrate the 10th anniversary of DoES Liverpool – the amazing coworking and shared workshop space in the Fabric District of Liverpool. Boost membership gives two people the opportunity to use the space free of charge for six months either with an allocated desk or by having 24-hour access to the workshop.

As things continue to be difficult for people due to inflation, fuel prices and all the economic woes we’re dealing with at the moment we thought it would be worth pointing out that boost membership is open to anyone, even existing paying members. If 6 months free membership would help you out at the moment then feel free to apply, of course if you’re not already a paying member you are still welcome to apply.

Applications are open until 11:59pm on Sunday 17th March 2024, any applications received after this point will not be considered. We will endeavour to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

We have a dedicated page with lots more information about Boost Membership so if you want to find out more just head over there and take a look!

"Welcoming our January 2024 Start Boost Members – Kez and Neil!"

We’d like to welcome our new January 2024 start Boost members, Keziah Thomas-Mellor and Neil Morrin (admittedly it’s February, but we did have a couple of other people who unfortunately weren’t able to take up their spaces …)

Workshop Membership Winner – Keziah

Keziah is our new workshop member. Sounds like she’s got some interesting plans for her time at DoES Liverpool! In her own words: “My intentions are to continue refining my questioning of my relationship to the landscape, from growing up on paved pathways to walking and climbing in our ‘green and pleasant’ land. Speaking to themes of accessibility, ownership and climate change.

My previous involvement in woodworking has been building extensions of our environments to facilitate responses. Such as through ladders to binoculars, for the audience to gaze at harsh mountains drawn onto coffee lids, or platforms to heighten risk and focus within my durational performances.

I am currently interested in exploring boundaries and fences, paired with the varying types of stiles. Alongside this, I have begun involving tree bark, drawing upon its textures and a layer of protection. Though I’m not too sure yet how or if this might fit in, this is the exciting aspect of my practice as the workshop will have the facilities to explore this and encourage it to unravel. “

You can see some of Kez’ art at @keziahtmart

Desk Membership Winner – Neil Morrin

Neil is our Desk Membership winner. Here’s what he has to say about what he does, and what he hopes to get from his time at DoES Liverpool:

“What I do???? 

I drink coffee, allotment, ride bikes, build websites, do digital heritage stuff, communications, and website hosting. I also run Ignite Liverpool (open space talks) and Jelly Liverpool (open networking). 

What I aim to do as a Boost Member

I am an old friend of DoES Liverpool so this has felt like a bit of a cheat, but when John told me that I was the 3rd out of the hat and the previous two out of the hat hadn’t bothered responding and would i be interested I said YES YES YES. 

We were told years ago that we should take a day out from our normal work each week, to do something different as a way to think differently, to grow, and to bring those new skills back to our everyday jobs. So I want to use my boost membership to give myself some space to learn some new skills, make new things, and meet new friends. If I haven’t made 5 things by the end of this boost membership you all have permission to throw things at me.”

"First Boost of 2024"

Christmas is a time for giving, and so it’s time again for DoES Liverpool to give a free membership to someone who needs it.

If you already know what you’re doing then head over here to apply otherwise read on for more information about Boost membership.

Apply for Boost Membership

The DoES Liverpool Boost Membership was introduced to celebrate the 10th anniversary of DoES Liverpool – the amazing coworking and shared workshop space in the Fabric District of Liverpool. Boost membership gives two people the opportunity to use the space free of charge for six months either with an allocated desk or by having 24-hour access to the workshop.

As things continue to be difficult for people due to inflation, fuel prices and all the economic woes we’re dealing with at the moment we thought it would be worth pointing out that boost membership is open to anyone, even existing paying members. If 6 months free membership would help you out at the moment then feel free to apply, of course if you’re not already a paying member you are still welcome to apply.

Applications are open until 11:59pm on Sunday 10th December 2023, any applications received after this point will not be considered. We will endeavour to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

We have a dedicated page with lots more information about Boost Membership so if you want to find out more just head over there and take a look!

"Welcome to our October 2023 Boost Members"

Super late announcing this but we had 33 people apply for Boost membership this time and during the past week picked the winners and we’re ready to announce them now. These lucky people get a desk or workshop membership of DoES Liverpool to use for their projects, or to progress their business, or for pretty much whatever they want over the next 6 months. Without further adieu I welcome…

Desk Membership Winner – Simon Jones

A picture of Simon Jones in a green jacket wearing a small white hat which appears to have been folded from paper. Simon gets an allocated desk to use over the next 6 months, together with access to the workshop if he need it, he told us:

I’ll be focusing on honing my skills in Unreal Engine, photogrammetry, motion capture, and Blender. I’ve got some projects I’m working on currently, including concept art and animation for ‘Space Jarg,’ a sci-fi film I’m co-writing with Kaylee Nicholas. I’m also working on a music video for the band Unimaginable Lovers. Plus, expect to see some general video and animation work using techniques from virtual production. I’m always on the lookout for interesting collaborations too.

Workshop Membership Winner – Ashleigh De la Haye

Ashleigh De la Haye with bobbed orange hair wearing a sparkly hair band and holding a microphone as she performs stand-up comedy,Ashleigh gets full access to the workshop for the next 6 months. She also looks like she might be an entrant for our next DoES Does Stand Up event (if Kirsty gets around to organising one!) She gave us this update:

So excited to be lucky enough to have been picked! I’m looking forward to experimenting with new mediums and materials for kitsch and crazy jewellery designs as well as trying my hand at sewing!

A warm welcome to both our winners and we really look forward to meeting you and seeing what you create in our space!

"Launching the October 2023 Boost Membership"

Once again it’s time to announce the chance to get a free 6 month membership to DoES Liverpool.

If you already know what you’re doing then head over here to apply otherwise read on for more information about Boost membership.

Apply for Boost Membership

The DoES Liverpool Boost Membership was introduced to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our opening DoES Liverpool – the amazing coworking and shared workshop space in the Fabric District of Liverpool. Boost membership gives two people the opportunity to use the space free of charge for six months either with an allocated desk or by having 24-hour access to the workshop.

As things continue to be difficult for people due to inflation, fuel prices and all the economic woes we’re dealing with at the moment we thought it would be worth pointing out that boost membership is open to anyone, even existing paying members. If 6 months free membership would help you out at the moment then feel free to apply, of course if you’re not already a paying member you are still welcome to apply.

Applications are open until 11:59pm on 10th September 2023, any applications received after this point will not be considered. We will endeavour to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

We’ve now created a dedicated page with lots more information about Boost Membership so if you want to find out more just head over to there and take a look!

"Hello to our July Start Boost Members"

We were a little late arranging the latest boost membership but we’re very happy to announce that we’ve picked our new July start Boost members. With a warm welcome to both we can announce them as…

Desk Membership Winner – Sanna

A photo of Sanna standing at a stall with lots of crafting implements in front of here and a variety of photos and artworks behind her. She is wearing a "Maker" badge from Wirral Makefest.Our first winner is Sanna, an artist who will be taking on desk membership for the next 6 months. She sent over this quick bio:

I usually describe myself as a Maker, but haven’t done as much making lately as I would like. So I’m excited to have a workshop space again and look forward to using the fantastic facilities that DoES have on offer. Although my craft skills are more traditional, I’m hoping to get used to using the more modern machines and technology to make prototypes and small batch production runs of gifts and souvenirs for a project that I am involved with at the moment, called Ron’s Place. I would also like to play around with some ideas I have had for my own creative work.

Workshop Membership Winner – Jo

A photo of JoMo standing holding an artwork in front of her. Just the top of her from her nose upwards is visible. Behind her the view is entirely taken up by shelves of vinyl LP records.Our second winner is JoMo, another artist who will be taking on the workshop membership for the next 6 months. You can find her on Instagram as @jomotopia. She had this to say:

I’ve been mostly working in illustration and video for a while but have been itching to play with making 3D objects. In the past I have used paper to create 3D geodesic domes and other abstract shapes for installations, I have also made wooden sculptures.  This time I’d like to experiment with making illuminated perspex objects/ shapes, I don’t really know yet where it’ll go but I want to use this opportunity to explore some ideas that have been sat in my sketchbook for a while.

"Launching the July 2023 Boost Membership"

Once again it’s time to announce the chance to get a free 6 month membership to DoES Liverpool.

If you already know what you’re doing then head over here to apply otherwise read on for more information about Boost membership.

Apply for Boost Membership

The DoES Liverpool Boost Membership was introduced to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our opening DoES Liverpool – the amazing coworking and shared workshop space in the Fabric District of Liverpool. Boost membership gives two people the opportunity to use the space free of charge for six months either with an allocated desk or by having 24-hour access to the workshop.

As things get increasingly difficult for people due to inflation, fuel prices and all the economic woes we’re dealing with at the moment we thought it would be worth pointing out that boost membership is open to anyone, even existing paying members. If 6 months free membership would help you out at the moment then feel free to apply, of course if you’re not already a paying member you are still welcome to apply.

Applications are open until 11:59pm on 13th June 2023, any applications received after this point will not be considered. We will endeavour to announce the winners within 48 hours.

We’ve now created a dedicated page with lots more information about Boost Membership so if you want to find out more just head over to there and take a look!

"Boost Membership Update"

With our new Boost membership application going live last week we wanted to share a post that has kindly been written by one of our Boost members, Gabriele, who joined us in October 2022. It sounds like she’s been having a great time learning about the equipment in the space. She has also been collaborating with some of our members and sharing her knowledge with us.

A close up photo of an intricate laser etching of what looks like a hand-drawn dragon. The very narrow depth of field causes the top and bottom of the image to be blurred leaving only the centre in focus.In October I was so lucky to win the boost membership for DoES Liverpool. It has granted me access to a number of wonderful machines and more importantly to many incredible people. Everyone in the DoES community has expertise in some field and they are more than eager to share it with anyone interested. Everything in DoES is set up by the community members so anyone can ask and learn about the inner workings of laser cutters, 3D printers, CNC mills or knitting machines, and get involved in calibrating and maintaining the equipment.

I have been using the laser cutters to make beautiful engravings on wood. I like making intricate designs that resemble an ink drawing and using different settings on the laser cutter to replicate the pen stroke effect.

A screenshot of a 3D design software showing a four legged creature with a long segmented torso, almost resembling a caterpillar, with two spindly arms.I have also met a number of people involved in game development. I am now designing characters for a hobby game project, as well as building a demo training platform in VR for a security company. I have recreated the Tapestry building where DoES is currently housed to use in our demonstration.

DoES is a perfect place to find exciting opportunities and learn new skills, I would recommend it to absolutely everyone.

Thanks Gabby for the great post! We’re glad you’re having such a fulfilling time at DoES Liverpool and look forward to your continued involvement.

For everyone reading this post who thinks this sounds like somewhere you would like to spend more time, we have a weekly Maker Night on Thursday evenings from 6pm and a monthly Maker Day on the second Saturday from 10am-5pm. These are free sessions you can drop in to and have a look around the space or get started on a project. You can also come in any time and have your first day free if you bring cake or snacks to share! Finally, as mentioned above we have just opened applications for the April 2023 Boost Membership, so sign up if you’re interested in six months free access to DoES Liverpool!

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