Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.
And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!
Things of Note
- OddEssay: Yay, have successfully contributed to an Open Source project (Only fixed a couple of links but still.) https://github.com/angular-app… … #weeknotes
- amcewen: Tonight at @DoESLiverpool #makernight we have been mostly printing @tangmudesigns’ mutant exploding sheep #weeknotes
- mcknut: .@sophiegreen it needs more work but here’s @DoESLiverpool’s Salsa page http://wiki.doesliverpool.com/Salsa #weeknotes
- DefProc: New bolts mean the marble machine I cut @DoESLiverpool is working well #weeknotes @msraynsford Marble Machine #1 pic.twitter.com/hZCkzAaoYn
- <defproc> YAY! sold my first Clip-R-Pi box (to someone that I don’t know!) #weeknotes
- amcewen: Nice to see @DefProc’s laser-cut clips blog post feature on @hackaday http://hackaday.com/2013/02/27/acrylic-enclosures-use-integrated-clips-to-do-away-with-fasteners/ … /cc @DoESLiverpool #weeknotes
- mcknut: Now trying to implement a Notch/Band stop filter in C++ with FMOD, anyone got suggestions? #weeknotes
- * mcknut is careful to test all of the cakes so that you don’t have to #weeknotes
- <defproc> finished the ethernet cabling into the workshop #weeknotes
- <defproc> the reprap now has its x-axis the right way round #weeknotes
- * mcknut saves torihd from a perilous earring moment #weeknotes
- defproc: Got an #arduino scale up and running. Prototype for monitoring the state of coffee machine @DoESLiverpool #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/VOoojLVv80
Coming Up in the Next Week
Monday 4th March, 6:00-9pm (Tonight!) | Liverpool Sewing Club |
Tuesday 5th March, 6:30-9pm | Clojure Dojo |
Saturday 9th March, 10am-5pm | Maker Day |
Saturday 9th March, 11am-2pm | Future Makers |