Andy Green of 3DPrimo recently brought a group of Ukrainians to take a look round DoES Liverpool. Here he describes the visit:
On 9 May, DoES played host to a group of Ukrainian refugees based in Poland, who are over on a specially-arranged trip to Liverpool timed to coincide with the Eurovision Song Contest. We helped them create some of their own designs from scratch, whilst others adapted and personalised ones we had prepared earlier, including a Liver bird holding a Sunflower, the national flower of Ukraine.
These guys have experienced traumas at the sharp end of the war, so it was great just to be able to put some smiles on their faces and give them something to take back to Poland – and eventually Ukraine – to remind them of their time in Liverpool.
We were invited to add our names to a massive flag containing the handprints of orphans from Mariupol and we also humbly received messages of thanks from the organisers of the visit.
The visit is being covered in the local and national press and the group appeared on Granada News later that day.
Article in Echo: