
Week 636 – Lifehouse, Sashiko, Young Ambassadors

14th August 2023

Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.

And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!

Things of Note

@amcewen So @adamgreenfield‘s concept of a #Lifehouse, a community hub for crisis-response and #MutualAid led to me writing an exploration of what @DoESLiverpool is, and how it overlaps with the idea.

Notes from a proto-Lifehouse – musings on makerspaces, a convivial future, and our pandemic response.


#makerspace #MakerMovement #pandemic #Liverpool #weeknotes



@amcewen Today’s task: investigating point-to-point protocols running over LoRa (i.e. explicitly not LoRaWAN)

I’ve been poking around lots of LoRa #Arduino libraries as part of this, and smiling gently to myself as I keep encountering the “beginPacket(); write(); endPacket();” pattern that I introduced in the Ethernet library when adding UDP..

Nice to encounter faint ripples of past me #weeknotes



Jackie Pease  Trying out the #inkstitch #sashiko extension on Fred, the @DoESLiverpool embroidery machine at #makernight. I heat pressed salvaged blue bubble wrap and used baking parchment as a stabiliser (I’m hoping I’ll be able to soak it off afterwards). It works better than I expected and I might look around for some more eco thread.

Image of Machine Embroidered Sashiko in an Embroidery Hoop





Coming Up in the Next Week


Monday 14 August, 7:00pm-9:00pm 7pm-9pm Socialist Alternative discussion group
Thursday 17 August, 7:00pm-9:30pm Maker Night

Our free weekly evening meeting where you can find out about our space and all the making equipment in it, get a laser cutter or CNC embroidery machine induction, and work on projects from physical computing and electronics to 3d printing, routing and sewing. Just pay for materials used.

Sunday 20 August, 11:00am-3:00pm Repair Café – Get your free ticket here

Somebody Should

The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.

See all the issues…

Issue counts: 383 open, 1468 closed

3 new issues:

Featured issue: Rear fire escape shutter is dysfunctional, does not close.. Can we move this on or close it?

2 issues closed:

Thanks JackiePease!

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