Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.
And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!
Things of Note
- Jackie Pease: Looking back on Liverpool Makefest 2017 – here’s some of the DoES Liverpool related photos: doesliverpool.com/events/looking… #weeknotes
- Alex: In the barbers’, waiting for a hair cut, fixing embedded iot comms. problems in Belgium. Ain’t connectivity great. #weeknotes
- Adrian McEwen: Love this time-lapse vid of Saturday’s Liverpool MakeFest #LivMF17 from Fomocam on t’DoES Liverpool stand instagram.com/p/BV0U8eRhO0J/… #weeknotes
- Seán Gleeson: Awesome gift from Adrian McEwen – I always knew my overt admiration for 3d printed gummies would pay off #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/AORvFWoPov
- John McKerrell: I think this motivational poster is DoES Liverpool approved #weeknotes, from generated.inspirobot.me/048/aXm5460xjU… pic.twitter.com/dYQB341m6E
- Def-Proc: TFW: the building you work in is sold, and a planning application for a hotel goes in #weeknotes DoES Liverpool *will* move #DoESMove
- Alex: Having loads of #sundayfun making #microbit inchworms Liverpool Code Club #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/S10FfaBxy3
- Alex: Racing #microbit inchworms at Liverpool Code Club! Yay #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/dV2g7XIBAl
- John McKerrell: I’m trying to write a financial report, so obviously I’ve built a small Ruby on Rails web app #weeknotes #charts pic.twitter.com/RQTuXV3SNI
Coming Up in the Next Week
Tuesday 04 July, 7:00pm-9:00pm | Wearables Group |
Wednesday 05 July, 7:00pm-9:00pm | Liverpool Linux User Group |
Thursday 06 July, 6:30pm-9:00pm | Lock Picking Event |
Thursday 06 July, 6:30pm-9:00pm | Maker Night |
Saturday 08 July, 10:00am-5:00pm | Maker Day |
Somebody Should
The DoES Liverpool to-do list is stored in the issues of our Somebody Should repository on github. Head over there if there’s something you’d like to report, or if you want to help out fixing things.
Issue counts: 183 open, 342 closed
5 new issues:
- One of the internal fans in Sophia isn’t operating
- Create and employ DoES NoDs (Notices of Destruction)
- run more courses from DoES
- Fix the twitter icon
- Arrange post redirect
6 issues closed:
- Ultimaker 2 has a broken filament guide
- Restore the two laser cutter calendars to the laser cutter page
- Commission the new acrylic bender
- Sophia has a slight wobble in one direction on the y-axis
- What do we need from CostCo?
- Register for data protection
Thanks amcewen, jackie1050, johnmckerrell!
Community Content
DoES exists to support the community that uses DoES. If you use DoES, then you are part of that community. If you would like to publicise something related to DoES, you can email hello@doesliverpool.com with the formatted content for us to use as a new blog post. Tell us what you’re up to, and we’ll show the world what epic stuff happens at DoES!