Each week we’ll endeavour to publish some details of the interesting things that members of DoES Liverpool have been up to over the past seven days. You can find out a bit more about them in our introductory post.
And remember, if you’re involved with DoES Liverpool at all, let us know what you get up to so we can include it here!
Things of Note
- Adrian McEwen: “Ok [Google] glass, let me see what it’s like to use you” More playing with potential futures here at DoES Liverpool today #weeknotes
- Adrian McEwen: Here in DoES Liverpool today Paul Kinlan is showing off his Google Glass #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/KYb9k802Sh
- Adrian McEwen: RT MCQN Ltd: New blog post and code: Generating choir.io Events with #Arduino dlvr.it/3v9wqV /cc DoES Liverpool #weeknotes
- DoES Liverpool: We’re on hackaday (well, our coffee bot is…) Nicely done Def-Proc! hackaday.com/2013/09/02/mon… #weeknotes
- Def-Proc: ATtiny85 running a the blink sketch and programmed from an #Arduino ISP. I’m pretty much sorted for the day! /cc DoES Liverpool #weeknotes
- Kenneth Lowe: RT Adrian McEwen: Nice roundup of hardware/#IoT incubators/accelerators from Peter Bihr flip.it/LDi0F (feat. DoES Liverpool #weeknotes)
- Adrian McEwen: Prototype DoES Liverpool laser-cutter exhaust hack seems to work ok. Needs tweaking but concept sound #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/nvWNmwQe1K
- Isobel Seacombe: A productive day of making and testing in prep for Headspace at @DoEsLiverpool #weeknotes 20 days to go… pic.twitter.com/kTeY9BUCsI
- Adrian McEwen: Getting Aurelio Brando @Bubblino ready to hang out at the Category Free shop for a while /cc DoES Liverpool #weeknotes
- Steve: A pleasant Sun aft distraction & my first epoxy fill carving. This one’s coming to @doesliverpool with me. #weeknotes pic.twitter.com/mWXReYfw4K
Coming Up in the Next Week
Wednesday 11 September, 6:00pm-9:00pm | “Maker Night” at DoES |
Thursday 12 September, 7:00pm-8:00pm | Startup Thursday |
Saturday 14 September, 10:00am-5:00pm | “Maker Day” at DoES incorporating
Clojure Hackday and |
“Future Makers” (11:00-2:00pm) |