laser cutter

"Laser Cutter Improvements"

DoES Needs You!

As you’re all probably aware, one of the best things about DoES — other than the sense of community, great prices, wealth of knowledge, networking opportunities, amount of different tools available… there are too many best things! — is our laser cutters. Sophia the Smaller Laser and Gerald the Gigantic Laser are the most popular and busy machines in the workshop, and are a valuable asset, not just for DoES, but for the whole Liverpool area.

From time to time, they do need minor repairs, and we try to carry those out as quickly as possible. However, it is finally time for them both to have the kind of overhaul that has been necessary for a while, to ensure that both cutters keep running at optimum capacity for you, for as long as possible.

To ensure this, we are going to be buying various bits of new hardware to keep Sophia and Gerald happy –

  • a chiller for each cutter so they’ll cut more powerfully and for longer, even on hot days,
  • a new, more powerful extractor fan for Gerald (that won’t need vacuuming out every 2 weeks!),
  • built in ducting, to simplify using the cutters, and improve the airflow control (less smoke in the workshop),
  • a new lens for Gerald,
  • new, fresh mirrors for both cutters,
  • a dedicated CO2 extinguisher for the cutters.

As you might imagine, this kind of upgrade won’t be cheap, and that, hopefully, is where you come in.

We’re asking for help from the DoES community to put towards the cost of these upgrades. We expect them to cost around £1400, (although £850 would cover the cost of the chillers and extractors) and want to raise as much of that as possible by 3rd July, at which point we will take whatever is collected, and get to work improving!

We understand that you all give so much to the DoES community already, and thank you for that, but hopefully you’ll be able to help us past an investment hump, and make your workshop even more epic.

How to donate

The best way is by bank transfer to:

Account Number: 65487257
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Reference: LaserPledge

Make sure to include that reference so we know you’re not paying hotdesking!

If you’d like an invoice for you accounts, just email to ask Sean for the amount you’d like to donate.

You can also give any of the organisers cash, if that’s easier for you.

Or you can donate by Paypal:

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"Jolly Lolly Sticks"

This is a guest post from Jo Leng, a regular visitor to DoES Liverpool who’s has hot desked and used our workshop:

I have always liked jokes, the shorter the better, so when Emily Watkins phoned into DoES needing help how could I resist.

Emily is a chef who lives and works in the Cotswolds. She must be good because when she rang she was competing in the Great British Menu (for Comic Relief) which airs on BBC2 tomorrow morning 9:05 (Thursday 4th April). She needed jokes fast and she needed them to be etched onto lolly sticks. A quick web search had given her DoES – an artist had used the DoES laser cutter to etch lolly sticks last year.

After a quick negotiation, training on using the laser cutter, a web search to find jokes, joke testing and expert consultation from John and Paul on etching and alignment the lolly sticks were delivered.

It’s fantastic to see something produced at DoES Liverpool appearing on BBC, even if it’s just a simple lolly stick!

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