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"DoES Liverpool are hosting a foodbank drive this Christmas"

Over the next 10 days, DoES Liverpool will be hosting a foodbank drive to get some collections together in time for Christmas for people in Liverpool who will be struggling to make ends meet.

According to Trussell Trust statistics, demand in December is consistently high as people are struggling to choose between heating their homes and eating.

This year is expected to be particularly busy as Universal Credit has now been rolled out across every area of Liverpool, as of this month. Areas with Universal Credit rollout have been linked to a 52% rise in demand for foodbank provision further down the line.

The Central and South Liverpool foodbank is looking for the following items in particular:

  • Tinned fruit
  • Long-life juice cartons or bottles of squash
  • Packets of rice (microwave / boil)
  • Coffee
  • Tinned rice pudding / custard
  • Tinned fish
  • Toothpaste

but any items are welcome. Other, more festive items that are suitable for donation are Christmas puddings and cakes, boxes of biscuits, selection boxes and large bars of chocolate.

Simply bring your items into DoES Liverpool over the next 10 days and we will take them into the foodbank on your behalf. Let’s spread the Christmas cheer a little further this year! 🎄

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